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Articles on THN News

Pestana Hotel Group Chooses the Hotels Network to Grow Their Direct Bookings

     13, Jul 2022

The Hotels Network named Best Technology Innovator of the Year 2021 by HSMAI Eur...

     08, Jul 2022

The Hotels Network Releases a New Edition of BenchDirect

     28, Jun 2022

The Hotels Network Launches Hotelier Rates, Making Hotel Employee Rates Availabl...

     11, Apr 2022

The Hotels Network Launches Its New Benchmarking Platform for Dmos: Benchdirect ...

     08, Mar 2022

5 Creative Hotel Strategies to Drive Sunday Night Stays

     24, Feb 2022

The Hotels Network Makes Donations to 3 Hospitality Charities

     24, Jan 2022

How the Hotels Network Is Raising the Bar in Hotel Technology

     13, Jan 2022

Our New Global Hotel Direct Channel Report Indicates Positive Signs of Industry ...

     13, Aug 2021

An Employee Experience Integrated Into Our Company's Essence

     21, Jun 2021

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