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How Penta Hotels Tripled Their Survey Answers Using Form Builder



  21, Aug 2024

 Tags: Hotel Stories Hotel Marketing Case Studies

In the highly competitive hospitality landscape, prioritizing guest satisfaction is crucial. Penta Hotels, a contemporary brand with locations in Europe and Asia, has placed guest experience at the heart of its mission. The brand decided to leverage THN’s tools to better understand their guests’ preferences and create the most appealing packages. The strategy aims to determine the most effective booking incentives to encourage website visitors to complete a direct reservation.

Recognizing the importance of guest input, they utilized THN's Form Builder, a tool that allowed them to create a customized survey to display on their corporate website and individual hotel landing pages. The survey incentivized participants by offering a €5 discount on future bookings, applied directly to the shopping cart upon completion of the survey.

Penta Hotels’ Layer using Form Builder

How does Form Builder work? 

Forms provide a straightforward yet powerful method to elevate the user experience on your website, build connections with your intended audience, and expand communication avenues with potential guests. The data captured can also be easily integrated with your CRM, streamlining processes significantly. Additionally, each field can be tailored, enabling personalized messaging and information collection adapted specifically for your target audience. 

The results 

By leveraging this strategy, Penta Hotels successfully received 608 form submissions from online visitors in just two weeks, tripling the response rate compared to their email-based approach. This achievement not only surpassed their previous efforts but also highlighted the effectiveness of incorporating Form Builder into direct channel strategies to boost engagement with online visitors. 

Collecting information from potential guests is crucial for hoteliers aiming to build connections and boost future conversion rates and direct revenue. Penta Hotels’ initiative demonstrated the effectiveness of engaging with visitors while they are actively exploring the website. This approach provided valuable insights into guest preferences and optimized their direct booking incentives.

Ready to unlock the potential of Form Builder on your hotel’s direct channel? Download the complete case study now! 

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